Consensus Decision Making Resources
What is Consensus?
Consensus is a process for group decision-making often used by Catholic Worker and other progressive communities. It is a method by which an entire group of people can come to an agreement. The input and ideas of all participants are gathered and synthesized to arrive at a final decision acceptable to all. Through consensus, we are not only working to achieve better solutions, but also to promote the growth of community and trust.
Downloadable Resources
Pitfalls and Beatitudes of Consenus
Consenus Roles Structures Tools
Consensus-What the Facilitator Does
Consensus-Practice Scenarios for Facilitating
Getting Unstuck – Practice for Groups
Packet on Consensus Decision Making
Links to Other Resources
Great 12-page article with tools for consensus
On Conflict and Consensus: A Handbook on Formal Consensus Decision-making by C.T. Butler and Amy Rothstein – available free online !
The Basics of Consensus Decision Making by Tim Hartnett
Tree Bressen’s Facilitation Site (our absolute favorite – a veritable library of resources!)
One-pager on Differences in Facilitating Small and Large Groups
Consensus-Oriented Decision Making (book for sale)