Resources: Curricula and Group Reflections
Racial Equity Resource Guide – huge list of resources!
Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism
Because Ferguson is Everywhere: Fantastic resource developed by the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Includes some history of the Black Lives Matter movement, group exercises to clarify violence and nonviolence, a discussion of nonviolent civil disobedience, redefining resistance, affinity groups and consensus, a bundle of resources for movement building, scenario discussions.
Free Online Courses on Race, Racism, and Racial Justice
The following reflections mostly focus on educating white allies about privilege, racism and action. Enjoy!
Anti Racism Packet – A 50 page packet produced by the St. Louis Catholic Worker in 2014. It has background articles, group reflections, and action suggestions. This is part of a book project and therefore a draft – a good starting place for looking at the manifestations of racism.
Racism 101 (workshop from 8/31/14) Includes: Privilege Awareness Circle, Definitions, “I’m Racist and so are You” Reading
Racism 202 (workshop from 8/31/14) Includes: Patterns of White Culture, Talking about Race to Young People, White Privilege and Resistance, Anti-Racist Attitudes, Joanna Macy Reading
Group Reflection on White Privilege and White Distancing Behaviors (from 8/24/14) Includes: Includes: “Because I Am White” Poem, Examples of White Privilege, Role-Playing to address White Distancing Behaviors, “We are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For” Poem (Alice Walker)
Group Reflection on Michael Brown and Ferguson (from 8/17/14) Includes: Sylvester Brown Jr. Poem, Discussion Questions, Distancing Behaviors and Anti-Racist Attitudes
Other Great Reflections and Resources on Privilege and Oppression